American Express: My Life. My Card.
Anderson starred in and directed an American Express "** Life, ** Card" commercial, which chronicled the "filming" of an action movie starring Jason Schwartzman. Anderson acts as if he is being interviewed by someone from American Express for the ad, while walking around completing tasks on set, a scene
两分钟广告。A commercial directed and starred in by Wes Anderson in which he explains how to make a movie while answering various questions from his cast and crew.
运通***广告,片场的**展示(略炫耀但很可爱)。怎么感觉科长出演的某个广告是抄这个的,最后也是升降机镜头……*******在线:[ https://***.***********/watch?v=JOhDo2ZoOig ]
Wes Anderson 广告集 - 2004 美国运通*** “** Life, ** Card”:https://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNjkzOTExNTgw.html & 去看了一下韦斯·安德森导演2020年的新作《法兰西特派》,主演一栏那卡司阵容,简直了,继续期待,强烈期待!
** life is about telling stories
一个长镜头,仍然是容量很大的横移镜头 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNjAyNDU2MTQw.html?spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0&from=s1.8-1-1.2
American Express广告;韦斯·安德森致敬特吕弗,演技居然还不及特吕弗哈哈;听到[日以作夜]配乐的时候还是挺激动的