A camera follows model Christy Turlington through the spring fashion shows in Milan, Paris, and New York one year in the early 1990s, probably 1992. She and others dash from one designer's unveilings to another. Extended footage looks at Versace and Armani in Milan, Galliano, Gaultier, and Langerfeld in Paris, and Isaac Mizrahi in New York. With Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, and T...
发布于1996年。由Robert Leacock执导,并于1996公映的电影。
This is what I thought about fashion should be before I started doing it....... ;(
“私拍”片段集锦,但非常真实,those supermodel and designer are real human beings!!!
Christy Turlington的个人纪录片,以点带面,看的不止镜头下的她,而是上个世纪90年代时尚奥林匹斯山众神的光辉岁月——明星设计师,超级模特,台前幕后,群像交织。其中,零碎生活化的交谈才是吸引我的重中之重。
十几年前就非常想看的一部片子,做完胃肠镜在家躺尸的周末居然偶然在*******上发现资源。虽然主角也很美,但是还是不如kate moss, 太迷人了。
啊,九十年代!镜头底下的Kate Moss真是太灵了,CHILD WOMAN。
当年的Kate Moss很是灵死了!!!