Under the shadow of Mount Kenya, young Maasai Warriors have remarkably formed a cricket team. In a community deep with tradition, where female genital mutilation (FGM) is still a rite of passage, these young Maasai express their frustrations at inequality by smacking cricket balls on the plains of Kenya and dreaming of life beyond their own village. Thus begins a journey all th...
发布于2015年。由Barney Douglas执导,
这些男生真的很了不起! 马赛族受过教育的年轻一代男性 成立板球队 扩大影响力来宣传废除女性割礼。这群有责任心又有同理心的男生 凭借一己之力 对抗这**女性根深蒂固的传统。这是一场**。他们是真正的勇士。全人类都在进步 **也一样。