性别中立原名:Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She,
Examines the diversity of human sexual and gender variance around the globe, with commentary by scientific experts and first-hand accounts of people who do not conform to a ****** male/female binary.
发布于2005年。由Antony Thomas执导,并于2005-12-06公映的电影。
Found it comforting for people who are confused and scared
The result is a society where sexuality is fluid and carries no stigma. It's the quality of the relationship that counts.【Awwwwesom!
line:where you find happiness,that's where you should stay.22:17 from Cousera.
Biology loves differences, society hates it.
Gender and sexuality are both continuum. Our vision gets wider everyday, and our mind must follow.
人有权追求自己的身心统一,这本应是“**问题 ”,但被性二元论的社会认知为“ **问题 ”,并对真实表达自我的人打击**,甚至夺去生命 . 即使在看似开放的泰国社会和有hijra传统的印度社会,不少变性人往往沦为性剥削的对象.片中与变性人结婚的西方男人说的话实在是侮辱人!