世界的六分之一原名:Шестая часть мира,又名One-Sixth of the World
Description: A Sixth Part of the World is Vertov's "state of the USSR report", an extraordinary compilation of images from throughout the Soviet Union that chronicles the spread of the Bolshevik Revolution as well as the technological changes affecting the lives of Soviet citizens. Constructed like a piece of music (a contrapuntal structure, recurring themes, crescendos and dim...
10 JUL 2020 (5-) 勾起上年大皇宮蘇俄展的美好回憶,幾時都話蘇俄文宣最上流。
Beware, you (ты/вы) are also yours (ва́ши).
为苏联国家进出口办公室(Gostorg)拍的宣传片,将政治与经济政策糅合得浑然**。I CAN SEE YOU,**号破冰船,你用你的胸膛击碎坚冰,劈开一条道路,以面包与皮草换机器,用机器生产机器。
最后一分钟交代主题精神:献祭贫下中农,换取工业物资。宣传稍大于先锋性,**标语对主题过分强烈直白的暗示抵消了大半声画的活力【One-Sixth of the Globe - ETV version 蓝光无损 英版独家 - 喷子.内英字】
政治激進 這一點從拍攝手法上已經感受到了 飽滿的熱情 啊 蘇維埃 that we do not forget what happens and what the future must take into account (Vertov 1926).
This relatively unseen silent classic propaganda documentary from the former Soviet Union in its first decade is a self-congratulatory paean to the "wonders" of socialism and Russian life.
8。и тебя море *амер*шее, у Балтийских берегов. ледоколЛЕНИН