摘取一朵花原名:To Pick a Flower,
This video essay centres around the formation of Kolambugan, a lumber town established by an American businessman in the Philippines, and that takes its name from the tree species which grows prominently in the surrounding area. Shireen Seno incorporates archival photographs from the American Colonial Era (1898-1946) to explore the roots and growth of photography and capitalism...
差点把我看睡是这个 视***加slideshow真的有点难顶 喜欢结尾那些不一样的树们
@Tate Lates Star Cinema被封面的**吸引着走进去了
#TIDF2022 video eassy.由****殖民者拍的照片带有殖民者的视角,自负、猎奇而非平视。拍照如同摘花,摘下的瞬间影像便成为标本,多年后这批照片标本连同它带有的视角被导演以反资本殖民的角度重新审视
#TIDF2022#Negotiating Realities in Post-National Philipine Docs 探索殖民历史和****原始积累之间的发展与纠葛,影像作为叙事的辅助。