宇宙的一生原名:Life Of A Universe,
Episode 1 Creation Professor Brian Cox probes our moment of creation. How did our Universe come into existence? Was there a time before the Big Bang? Do our laws of physics inexorably lead to the existence of us? Episode 2 End Of Days Professor Brian Cox tells the biggest story of them all. Inspired by the Southern Sky as he travels Australia, Brian reveals our very latest unde...
Why is Brian Cox always so hot?
宇宙也有始有终 还不止一个 你家宇宙只是酒窖里其中一桶西拉而已
Something before big ban, and billions years from now, cosmology will be areligion .
A time before time? A ***** before *****? 就像有人认为地球是一个巨大的生命体一样,宇宙也有生命,而且不止有一个生命。#膜理论才是真正的科学教##英音听力练**列#
近来的主流,偏向于“多重宇宙”。宇宙学或许会成为一种新的宗教,仰望深邃的夜空,宇宙同样也会生、老、死,人世间的事情,又算得上什么呢.... #日常吸教授#
继续练听力+模仿教授口音~ 虽然很难超越***奇迹系列 但是教授的片子必须五星~
Standing on a well-cooled cinder, we see the slow fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds.